To DO without BEING is to deny yourself Love, Peace and Joy! (Read paragraph 5)

I have been quiet for a few days now, exploring the nagging feelings about this blog, my Vlog site (The Beingness Project) and my Youtube channel. It is imperative to me that I am congruent with my inner self. That I Walk my Naked Truth in all ways; coming to this page with pure intention, presence and free of all agenda.

Why do I come to the page, first because writing is a part of who I am. The pen at the end of my hand and the flow of ink onto the page has been a part of me like the inhale and exhale of life. It gives me immense joy and infinite expansiveness to move into the flow of words.

The small voice from within knows the truth of our infinite essence…

I come to the page secondly, because I wish for all people to feel the awe, joy and love of BEING. To dance within the luscious space of fluid contentment, infinite peace and sensual joy. It is a space we intuitively know as a child. We eagerly explore, look with curious delight and express with abandoned wonderment. As the open child we feel everything that comes up, we let it flow, express, BE. Then this raw naked expression is squelched, judged and criticized. Taught to be controlled, denied and ignored.

To live from the joyful place of innocent curiosity, unafraid exploration and open love is to see glory in every horizon…

I recently perused some of my first blog entries from four years ago (read here), smiling in gratitude at the pictures of my children who were still shorter than I. What a marvelous journey we have shared, what glorious rich lessons life has graced us with. WOW! Life is a very dynamic colorful tapestry.

Today, most people have stopped reading this by now, for it is too long, takes too much time, interrupts the “To Do List” and does not “FIX” things. I sit still within my quiet fishbowl, looking out at the chaotic world around me. Everyone is DOING, going forth to conquer their life. Suppressing and denying themselves the grandest gift of all, to BE present. To truly EXPERIENCE the inexhaustible sensations and nuances of a vibrant engaged life.

To sit with oneself is to invite the calm knowing to surface, to wash away all worry, fear and hurt. To be Present in the Grace of Now….

So, why do I write? Why this blog? Why “The Beingness Project”? They are all an invitation to YOU, to come home to your Naked Truth, To BE. You do not need to Fix Yourself, for You are already Enough, Worthy and Perfect. All you have to do is remember how to BE present in ALL your moments. Then life begins to blossom in magnanomous grace.

This blog “Walking Naked Truth”, The Beingness Project Vlogand Youtube channel exist to help you awaken and remember your joyful, vibrant, loving self. Each of us lost this natural state in our Domestication process, replacing genuine curiosity with judgmental distrust. Losing our sense of playfulness to proper ways of expression based on our societal, cultural and family Expectations.

To BE, is to let go, an invitation for your true essence to surface…

My recent struggle has been to stay TRUE to me. To BE Authentic and Congruent with my values, ethics and desires. There are many people I respect, admire and look to for inspiration, teaching, lessons, etc… However at this time in our world, what I experience is an excruciating bombardment of sh** in my email in box, my Facebook page and Instagram site. The introvert in me wants to UNPLUG it all, run away and hide. At the same time I love that I get to learn from those I admire with the ease of a Google search. So.., what is the balance?

Everyone I have thus far turned to for learning how to make a living from my expertise says I must:

  • post frequently (I like this one)
  • send consistent emails to my followers
  • push myself on social media so I gain more followers
  • push, push, push through this format or another!!
  • focus on using certain SEO words/triggers to be found

While I understand the need for such action (I did study business in college) and can see how it works (funnels, channel, spread), I cannot do it and feel good. My sharing is about BEing. My message is to BE. To re-discover that space within you that is already happy, peaceful, loving and excited about life. To help you remember how amazing you are just by BEing YOU. To reunite you with that infinite space of acceptance, grace and love.

Re-uniting with Your BEingness – awakens your spirit to the infinite possibilities…

After four days of deep inner exploration I have found my peaceful truth. I cannot bombard your email box, I will not nag you with ads. I AM HERE if you desire to journey with me. My gift to the world has always been to BE the safe loving place. Thus this page must reflect the essence of BEing, offering tools to help you on that journey back home to your inner magnificence.

I shall offer meditations, videos, worksheets and written exploration. You are free to Follow me or check in as you desire. Your free will gets to decide if you will engage to peel back the layers of your masks to joyfully reacquaint yourself with your natural state of BEingness.

It is my dream that all who seek shall come home to the unlimited jubilance of a life immersed in BEING. Absorbing its expansive loving peaceful contentment. It is a space that once fully remembered always beckons you back into its free flow.

A meditation to come home to you….

This blog and the other stuff I share is a delightful exploration of Surrender. To let go and trust that if it is meant to serve, it shall grow and become thanks to those who hear its message and resonate with its truth. A test to see if people are so numbed that they cannot notice or take action to spread a way of BEing. I am blessed to come to the page free of all Expectations, to share from a pure state of BEing, for only then will you experience how life is happening for you, inviting you to remember the joy of laughter, the fun of dancing, the inspiration of music, the love of self and others…

I thank you for joining me. I thank you for Being YOU. I thank you for all the ways you grace the world with your unique magnificence. I thank you for sharing.

In Joyful Humble Gratitude, 
Fawn Caveney  
Beingness Guide 
Life Artist and Dancer

One thought on “To DO without BEING is to deny yourself Love, Peace and Joy! (Read paragraph 5)

  1. Pingback: Slow Motion… – Walking Naked Truth

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