I Hear YOU…

  • As you read that title, what is your first response?
  • What do you hear your mind say the second you read it?
    • Yeah, sure you hear me!
    • No you don’t! No one really listens anymore.
    • I don’t really share, so how can you hear me.
    • ???

Have you ever noticed how quickly you start to think about what you are going to say to someone who is talking to you? There you stand formulating in your mind what you can say back. What’s the perfect thing to respond? When you do this, are you truly listening, sincerely hearing the person you are with?

If you are a parent, do you really listen to your child, no matter the age, to HEAR what they are sharing? Not just the words they speak, but the body language, the message sent from their eyes, tone, word choice, etc…

What about how you listen to a colleague, spouse/partner, friend, family member, stranger..? Do you listen differently depending on who is talking?

Have you ever noticed how much attention you will give to someone “important and powerful” by societal and cultural standards – yet when your child, friend, family member or co-worker share you only half way tune in? I observe this all the time.

Do you think you fool anyone with regard to your HEARING and Listening skills? People, especially the young and wise elders, KNOW when you are really listening or not. Just watch a baby who has a present or distracted parent. Observe your friend when you really sit and pay attention to their story versus being fidgety to battle for conversation rights. There is an intuitive knowing when someone is truly LISTENING and HEARING YOU.

I have watched and observed this for years and years. Noticing within my own behavior the expansion of my ability to truly HEAR. As I have gotten older and wiser, my ability to HEAR and LISTEN has increased, enriching my life in so many ways.

When I worked in a nursing home, daycare, restaurant, sales rep., customer service specialist, ropes course facilitator and classroom teacher – HEARING was key. Active, Present Listening enriched, expanded and opened all of these professions into glorious opportunities for co-learning and co-growing through genuine heartfelt sharing.

We all crave a safe place to share. The desire to be truly heard is as powerful as the desire to be seen. In the chaos and busyness it is often a challenge to get people to drop into TRUE sharing, however, I have learned that BEing completely present, making eye contact with sincerity and truly Listening opens the flood gates for powerful connection.

I strongly believe that one of the most important gifts I can give myself and others is to HEAR. To Listen with intense complete presence, shutting off my mind chatter. I absolutely LOVE the connection experienced when I truly listen – WOW.., it is intensely powerful. Full of surprises and new understandings.

What if today, you challenged yourself to slow down and really HEAR? What might you learn about your partner/spouse, friend, child, co-worker, etc..? How might you feel as you allow this true connection? What might you learn about yourself and others? Below are a couple of articles that briefly discuss Listening, I thought you might enjoy them.

What Great Listeners Actually Do” – Harvard Business Review

The Science of Listening” – Huffpost

Today’s Affirmation:

“I am a good listener, hearing with all of me in complete presence what other’s are sharing with me.”

Today’s Meditation:

Join me for a guided meditation

Today’s “Walking Naked Truth” Practice:

  • Today, slow down with awareness at least three times to truly LISTEN.
  • Notice how it shifts the experience.
  • Today, share at least three times with genuine honest sincerity – creating the energy of true connection.
  • Notice how you feel when you share your truth in vulnerable open presence.

Touching YOU…

The title of this blog is likely to stir some reactions, however, I write about one of the most basic human desires and needs – to feel and share touch.

Touch opens and expands love, it communicates beyond any words…

It has been proven in studies that babies need touch to thrive. We do not grow out of this internal craving. The power, grace and gift of touch soothes our very BEing. It is my believe that we under estimate how much we yearn to be touched and to touch.

As a mother, I treasured the soft moments of holding my children, caressing their faces, massaging their backs while they fell asleep. In partnership there is nothing more glorious than the soft warm touch from your lover. Friends and family all blossom with the grace of touch, a hug hello, a touch on the arm to say thank you, a caring goodbye hug full of gratitude…

Touch is one of those things that is directly impacted by cultural, societal and religious “Expectations” and “Domestication”. Everyone is unique in their comfort zone with touch based upon their upbringing, life experience and perception of what touch means. Thus the journey with touch is one we carefully navigate.

I personally LOVE touch. I enjoy sharing it with those who are open to it. I also respect that many people have boundaries. This blog is an invitation to explore touch, to be open to it, to give and receive. Notice how it makes you feel to be touched, to share touch. As one of the five amazing senses we get to experience as humans, why would we not indulge ourselves to enjoy its powerful gift.

If you do not believe me in regard to the NEED for touch, just “Google” it and see what comes up – you might be surprised.

Today’s Affirmation:

I am a being of love, I enjoy sharing and receiving touch in a honoring, compassionate, caring way.

Today’s Meditation:

Join me for a guided meditation.

Today’s Walking Naked Truth Practice:

  • Play with touch today – see how it impacts others.
    • A sincere handshake with someone while making true eye contact (Seeing and Be Seen).
    • Hug a friend or family member.
    • If in a relationship caress your lovers face and see how they soften to absorb such attention.
    • Open to receive touch.
    • Touch a colleague’s arm during an interaction, a non-verbal expression of gratitude.
    • Etc….
  • At the end of the day reflect upon what you experienced.
  • If you are someone who finds touch uncomfortable, perhaps you can open to explore it with those you trust, for it will soothe and heal.

To explore the topic of touch more, go to – The BEingness Project.

May today be full of connection in beautiful ways that expand your life experience – Fawn

Seeing YOU…

BEing your truth is an inside job. YOU get to let go of the taught critic who judges you from perspectives based on societal and culturally expectations and taught “Domestication”.

When you entered this world and were very young, you did not sit in front of the mirror criticizing yourself – YOU loved looking in the mirror, because it was fun to see YOU in action. Where did that self-love and appreciation go? When did YOU start accepting what others said about you, comparing yourself to the images on TV, in movies, magazines, giving all your power to those outside of you.

To love life, be at peace, experience joy and find true contentment – YOU must come home to Seeing YOU with eyes of love, acceptance, gratitude and sincere appreciation. Genuine Self-love is the gateway back home to the Walking Naked Truth of YOU. The gateway to child-like joy, innocence, curiosity, playfulness and complete acceptance.

Close your eyes, recall the playful loving child you were, isn’t it time to live from that pure loving, joyful, open space again???

This will require you to let go, unwire and unplug the cultural dogma and societal bombardments. To practice every day LOVING YOU fully until it becomes a way of BEing. YOU are a unique BEing, no one else can be YOU. There is only ONE YOU on this planet, a special combination based upon your individual life journey. YOU are an Exclusive, Exemplary soul, here to share the gifts, presence and way of BEing that only YOU can share. Isn’t it time for YOU to SEE the true YOU? Isn’t it time to Celebrate the Amazing person YOU are? Today is the invitation to do exactly that!!

Today’s Affirmation: (fill in the blanks)

I am a(n) ____________________ (loving, amazing, incredible, beautiful, handsome, etc…) BEing. I love how I share and show up in this world, offering _________________ (kindness, love, joy, etc…). It is FUN BEing ME!

Today’s Meditation:

Join me for a guided meditation.

Today’s Walking Naked Truth practice: ( I encourage you to do this everyday, until you come back home to your childlike self-love)

  • Every time you see yourself in the mirror, stop and say 3 or more positive things to yourself about YOU – truly mean them.
  • Make a list of all the ways you amazingly show up in the world.
  • Before you go to bed look in the mirror and share genuinely with love at least 3 ways you showed up for yourself and others today.

If you would like to explore this even more, go to – The Beingness Project.

May today BE full of self-love, self-appreciation, self-adoration, and celebration. In gratitude, Fawn

Truth Embraces Change…

The one thing that is for sure, change occurs. It is a part of everything. Everyday there is change. Seasons, aging, growing, learning, experiencing, building, expansion… If we embrace this truth, we free ourselves to enjoy, relax and let go of the need to control.

If you are a parent, would you ever wish to stop your child’s expansion into adulthood? As a child once yourself, would you have wanted your parents to control your becoming? From birth we are changing. We can fight it or embrace it with joy, knowing it is a part of life.

As I look in the mirror seeing the gray hair, the smile lines, the change in my skin, teeth, body, I am at choice to LOVE what I see, celebrating the grace and gifts of aging – or – I can fight it, hide it, color and mask it. Why? Who do I deceive in this denial?

I personally love watching the seasons flow. Each season has such unique expressions. There is continual change from one day to the next. The ducklings become adult ducks. The leaves and blossoms arrive to cycle into death and back again. Even in places where the seasons do not shift, there is change, nature is perpetually morphing.

Today what if you accepted the Truth that life is full of Change? What if you not only embraced this reality, you actually chose to celebrate it. How would such a shift impact your life? Would you stop worrying, stop trying to control, relax and allow?

People change, thus relationships change… Jobs shift and adapt to what comes next… Everyone exists on the timeline of life, aging is a part of the journey… Your life adventure infuses you with new understandings, growth, discoveries, lessons and glorious experiences – how fun to embrace with Truthful knowing that you are Changed by all of it.

Today’s Affirmation:

I am one who embraces change with curiosity, openness, trust and faith. As I flow with Change, I am free.

Today’s Meditation:

Join me for a guided meditation

Today’s Walking Naked Truth Practice:

  • Today notice your reactions to change. As you notice, decide if you want to react like a victim or celebrate with trust.
  • Begin to become aware of how “fighting change” has impacted your life.

If you would like to explore change even more, go to The BEingness Project.

May today be full of your Truthful Expression, Fawn

YOU are the Artist…

If one was to look through the lens of the artist, what would the canvases of your life look like? Would they express and share your truth? Or would they be a mirage, a glorified fantasy to make others feel comfortable?

Let’s get sincerely truthful here – YOU are the Artist of your life.

Each and every day YOU put the colors upon your fresh canvas. YOU hold the magic paintbrush that allows others to be a part of the scene or not. YOU elect what will imbue with infiniteness upon the canvas, or smudge off to disappear.

I am daily amazed at how many people choose to carry around a multitude of canvases, sharing with others the stories that burden, limit, and hinder their life. They allow the paints of blame and shame to smear onto the new canvas, creating again the lines you think you must color within.

What if today YOU allowed yourself to see the canvas as clear and clean of all past debris? What if YOU chose to get out all the colors? Then, what if YOU selected what would be on the canvas and what would not?

Can YOU BE your TRUTH upon the canvas? Can YOU allow yourself to explore the exquisite artist palette of life, free of worry, fear, denial, judgment, criticism and expectation? Can YOU allow yourself to be passionately creative?

I invite you to imagine, what would your unique vibrant TRUTH look like upon the free space of your life canvas. Today’s canvas is only here once. Yesterday’s canvas is complete. Tomorrows has yet to arrive. Only today in all your sweet moments can the rich hues, colors, depth and expression present itself. At the end of the day, you will lay your paintbrush down to rest, clearing it of all residue, so it is fresh for a new day.

YOU are the Artist of your life. I challenge you with a joyful smile to paint your TRUTH. To express upon your canvas today the raw, vulnerable, real you – from inside out.

What will the Art Gallery of YOUR life look like….?

Today’s Affirmation:

I am freely and joyfully the artist of my life, expressing with truth, love and passion upon the canvas of my life.

Today’s Meditation:

Join me for a guided meditation

Today’s Walking Naked Truth Practice:

  • Today carry with you a piece of paper where you write down the things you experience and feel that you want to paint on your canvas. Be clear with the TRUTH that you have CHOICE, do not put down things that you do not wish to perpetuate or put into more permanent existence.
  • Play with this, maybe you cover the page with words, little images, perhaps you jot down feelings, whatever will help you to remember what shall be painted on your unique canvas for this day.
  • At the end of the day look at your paper canvas – absorb the awareness that YOU are the Artist. YOU have Choice as to what goes onto your artistic expression of life.

If you would like to explore more deeply this truth, check out The Beingness Project.

May you freely and passionately “Walk Your Naked Truth” – Fawn Caveney

In Humble Gratitude…

My sincere apologies for not posting in awhile. I took my BEingness on a little road trip with my daughter to share time with my sister (visiting from Turkey) and my mom (visiting from Virginia). During this precious connection time, I allowed myself the grace to BE completely present.

Time spent in true connection, fills the cup of love and joy…

The thirteen hour drive there and back gave me time to reflect, explore and ponder what I felt truly served this space. What do I wish to share, why and how? What best serves those who take the time to come to the page? What does the world need? What do I offer?

When you allow yourself the grace to BE completely present, all pressure washes away. It is a glorious space, for it opens up an awareness to the suspension of time. I personally find myself observing the chaotic buzz which goes on around. People racing here, there, everywhere. Supposedly on a mission to “Do this or that”, to get things done, to make money, to accomplish tasks, to…. It’s like standing in the center of a beehive watching it all come an go with such ferocious intensity.

In the stillness we can remember…

I enjoy this space for it offers me perspective, reminds me of what is important and pushes me to let go. Like a dog who has the amazing ability to always be present, I joyfully soak in the moments with loving gratitude.

The time away allowed me the opportunity to observe people in their busy world, to investigate how I might serve them more to BE. Sharing the “stopped moment in time” when they honor themselves. The gentle reminder that a deep breath in complete presence shifts everything.

From my place of observation I felt ideas circulating and stirring. Following some quiet meditation time and journaling a new format for sharing with you birthed itself. I am excited to create this new offering and experience.

The power of BEing without DO, opens grand doorways to more…

It shall honor your busy schedule, while offering the gift to slow down for just a little bit, to care for the self. I humbly thank you for your patience as I revamp this blog to serve more sincerely the needs I hear from you.

May you gift yourself today with an awareness for how amazing you truly are, breathing in the magnificence of BEing alive to experience all that is. May your heart expand into the pure grace of BEing Enough Always….

In Humble Gratitude, Fawn

The Sensation of BEingness…

The other day someone asked for clarification, “What does BEingness feel like? How will I know that I am in that space?” Great question!

Just like everything in life, the sensation, feeling, and experience of something is individualistic. Each person comes with their own unique wiring, life journey and delightful matrix blend.

Every soul has a pair of wings to soar with…

So, I can only describe BEingness from my perspective.

BEingness for me is:

  • A sensation of infinite expansiveness where love vibrates continuously.
  • A suspension of time, as though everything slows downs, comes to a standstill, allowing me to center.
  • A rising sensation of joy, bringing a natural smile to my face and a releasing of all man-made burdens.
  • A feeling of BEing quietly in the flow of all that is, no separation, no judgment, no DO, just BE.
  • An inner knowing that everything is working out, that all is happening for me.
  • A space free of ALL doubt, fear, loss, hurt, worry, judgment, criticism.
  • A luscious space where you just know that life is a dance, a gift, a way to explore more.
  • A sensation that knows anything is possible.
  • It is a vibrational energy that frees me to hear and make decisions from a place of love, creativity, passion and joy.
  • Ultimately an indescribable space that is difficult to articulate, yet I dream of everyone experiencing its pure freedom and grace.
Free from fear the soul leads the way….

How do I know I am in that space?:

  • I am free of Reactionary behavior.
  • I do NOT feel worry, fear, doubt, judgment, criticism or that I HAVE to DO something, for I am already Enough, Worthy and Perfect as I AM..
  • I feel relaxed, joyful, peaceful and content.
  • The outside world does not impact me, I can view the chaos, hear the negativity, yet I do not react.
  • Time disappears, for I am in a flow of creativity and sharing.
  • I am not bothered by people’s choices to suffer, play victim, stay stuck, I instead vibrate in an infinite space of love, forgiveness and grace.
  • There is a deep stillness within, no matter what is going on around me.
In the busy chaos your true self gets lost – Be still, freeze time and come home to the self…

BEingness is a sensation, space, way of BEing that I wish for everyone. It frees up the monkey mind to relax back into a knowing that all is working out.

Check out the The Beingness Project for some ways to begin the journey home to BEingness. Start a simple meditation practice, to open yourself to more. Below is a simple guided meditation I created for you.

May today be a day of flowing love, grace, peace and joy for you….

In Expansive Joyful Grace, Fawn

Explore BEingness…

Today at The BEingness Project I begin to explore the simple awareness of BEingness in everyday life. Noticing how we interact and react in our daily interactions can shift everything. Small daily practices can move you out of a Reactionary life and into a life of BEingness – a life of Choice.

Join us today at – The BEingness Project

Silence offers us layers of balm to soothe the restless soul…

May today be a day of grace, love, flow, and BEing – a celebration of all that is…

In Humble Gratitude, Fawn

I Want it NOW…

Yesterday I posted a very full Vlog on The Beingness Project; it reflected and explored the last 2 months. I invite you to take a peek, it has some fun offerings for your spirit, body and mind.

I find great humor everyday in how people “Want it NOW” with regard to peace of mind, joyful living, healthy body, financial security, successful relationship, etc… Yet they are not willing to look at their present moment. Each moment compounds upon the next, so the daily choice of how we are BEing in our moments affects and compounds to create the life we live.

If you have been building up the Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Unhealthy Body, and Victim muscle for years, YOU will have to focus on Making Different Choices moment by moment. In time you will shift from the Old Stories to a new space of BEingness. Now here is a powerful truth – it could ALL change NOW – however that means you are going to have to CHOOSE to BE NOW and NOW and NOW and… you get the idea. So, it is likely not going to happen overnight, for you have been practicing how NOT to BE for most of your life. When you were a young baby and child you intrinsically knew how to BE – you exuded joy, love, playfulness and BEing present.

Look to the child within to remember your natural state of joy, love, peace and present BEing..

Today in The Beingness Project I posted a brief sharing on “Why BEingness” – looking at statistics regarding our expanding chaotic world. I am completely perplexed sometimes on why people Choose to live such stressful Reactionary lives. There is a Choice! Why would one not wish for a more peaceful, joyful, loving, vibrant life. I know we are taught it is outside of us – yet every religion and spiritual teaching informs us – it is INSIDE of US.

In the true state of BEingness time stands still, all fear subsides, all stress releases, all worries fall away…

Can you gift yourself this week with some daily choice to honor your BEingness?

Can you give yourself the time to BE, feeling your inner truth?

Can you STOP Reacting and Start BEing one moment at a time?

In today’s BEingness Project Vlog, I list some ways you can begin to shift into BEing. Below is a simple meditation to help you get started.

If you have time to Stress, Worry, Fear and Struggle – why not try something more fun!

I invite you to comment, message or email me (thebeingnessschool@gmail.com) with your daily struggles. Let’s explore together how we can shift from Reaction to BEing – seeing how BEingness applies to daily situations, helps to unravel the stress, worry, fear and chaos. I am excited to share how wonderful BEingness feels.

Thank you for joining me today. May all your moments flow with grace… Fawn

To DO without BEING is to deny yourself Love, Peace and Joy! (Read paragraph 5)

I have been quiet for a few days now, exploring the nagging feelings about this blog, my Vlog site (The Beingness Project) and my Youtube channel. It is imperative to me that I am congruent with my inner self. That I Walk my Naked Truth in all ways; coming to this page with pure intention, presence and free of all agenda.

Why do I come to the page, first because writing is a part of who I am. The pen at the end of my hand and the flow of ink onto the page has been a part of me like the inhale and exhale of life. It gives me immense joy and infinite expansiveness to move into the flow of words.

The small voice from within knows the truth of our infinite essence…

I come to the page secondly, because I wish for all people to feel the awe, joy and love of BEING. To dance within the luscious space of fluid contentment, infinite peace and sensual joy. It is a space we intuitively know as a child. We eagerly explore, look with curious delight and express with abandoned wonderment. As the open child we feel everything that comes up, we let it flow, express, BE. Then this raw naked expression is squelched, judged and criticized. Taught to be controlled, denied and ignored.

To live from the joyful place of innocent curiosity, unafraid exploration and open love is to see glory in every horizon…

I recently perused some of my first blog entries from four years ago (read here), smiling in gratitude at the pictures of my children who were still shorter than I. What a marvelous journey we have shared, what glorious rich lessons life has graced us with. WOW! Life is a very dynamic colorful tapestry.

Today, most people have stopped reading this by now, for it is too long, takes too much time, interrupts the “To Do List” and does not “FIX” things. I sit still within my quiet fishbowl, looking out at the chaotic world around me. Everyone is DOING, going forth to conquer their life. Suppressing and denying themselves the grandest gift of all, to BE present. To truly EXPERIENCE the inexhaustible sensations and nuances of a vibrant engaged life.

To sit with oneself is to invite the calm knowing to surface, to wash away all worry, fear and hurt. To be Present in the Grace of Now….

So, why do I write? Why this blog? Why “The Beingness Project”? They are all an invitation to YOU, to come home to your Naked Truth, To BE. You do not need to Fix Yourself, for You are already Enough, Worthy and Perfect. All you have to do is remember how to BE present in ALL your moments. Then life begins to blossom in magnanomous grace.

This blog “Walking Naked Truth”, The Beingness Project Vlogand Youtube channel exist to help you awaken and remember your joyful, vibrant, loving self. Each of us lost this natural state in our Domestication process, replacing genuine curiosity with judgmental distrust. Losing our sense of playfulness to proper ways of expression based on our societal, cultural and family Expectations.

To BE, is to let go, an invitation for your true essence to surface…

My recent struggle has been to stay TRUE to me. To BE Authentic and Congruent with my values, ethics and desires. There are many people I respect, admire and look to for inspiration, teaching, lessons, etc… However at this time in our world, what I experience is an excruciating bombardment of sh** in my email in box, my Facebook page and Instagram site. The introvert in me wants to UNPLUG it all, run away and hide. At the same time I love that I get to learn from those I admire with the ease of a Google search. So.., what is the balance?

Everyone I have thus far turned to for learning how to make a living from my expertise says I must:

  • post frequently (I like this one)
  • send consistent emails to my followers
  • push myself on social media so I gain more followers
  • push, push, push through this format or another!!
  • focus on using certain SEO words/triggers to be found

While I understand the need for such action (I did study business in college) and can see how it works (funnels, channel, spread), I cannot do it and feel good. My sharing is about BEing. My message is to BE. To re-discover that space within you that is already happy, peaceful, loving and excited about life. To help you remember how amazing you are just by BEing YOU. To reunite you with that infinite space of acceptance, grace and love.

Re-uniting with Your BEingness – awakens your spirit to the infinite possibilities…

After four days of deep inner exploration I have found my peaceful truth. I cannot bombard your email box, I will not nag you with ads. I AM HERE if you desire to journey with me. My gift to the world has always been to BE the safe loving place. Thus this page must reflect the essence of BEing, offering tools to help you on that journey back home to your inner magnificence.

I shall offer meditations, videos, worksheets and written exploration. You are free to Follow me or check in as you desire. Your free will gets to decide if you will engage to peel back the layers of your masks to joyfully reacquaint yourself with your natural state of BEingness.

It is my dream that all who seek shall come home to the unlimited jubilance of a life immersed in BEING. Absorbing its expansive loving peaceful contentment. It is a space that once fully remembered always beckons you back into its free flow.

A meditation to come home to you….

This blog and the other stuff I share is a delightful exploration of Surrender. To let go and trust that if it is meant to serve, it shall grow and become thanks to those who hear its message and resonate with its truth. A test to see if people are so numbed that they cannot notice or take action to spread a way of BEing. I am blessed to come to the page free of all Expectations, to share from a pure state of BEing, for only then will you experience how life is happening for you, inviting you to remember the joy of laughter, the fun of dancing, the inspiration of music, the love of self and others…

I thank you for joining me. I thank you for Being YOU. I thank you for all the ways you grace the world with your unique magnificence. I thank you for sharing.

In Joyful Humble Gratitude, 
Fawn Caveney  
Beingness Guide 
Life Artist and Dancer