
AI Free ~ Noticing…

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition an unedited image that I have taken shall accompany the piece.


AI Free ~ Impermanence…

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition an unedited image that I have taken shall accompany the piece.


AI Free ~ Askew

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition an unedited image that I have taken shall accompany the piece.

~Flying Free FEC

AI Free – Letting go ~ Letting in…

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition an unedited image that I have taken shall accompany the piece.

~ Flying Free FEC

AI Free ~ Twinkle Little Star

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition I decided a daily image shall accompany the piece, taken that same morning – unedited, simple and pure.

Echoes across universes

A single bright new star bursting through time and space

Where it births there is no time, only space…

Blinking down on us it twinkles with curiosity

The quickly moving forms on a blue marble

Little specs of gathered dust exuding exaggerated importance…

As it all spins this new star child grows sad in the watching

The blues and greens become brown and lack luster

The frenetic energy perpetuates, building in intensity ~ all for naught…

Pockets of bright light, rich greens, blues and topaz

Spots where a harmony resonates a melody of land and humans in chorus…

The star in its young ignorance wonders ~

“Why do these places shrink, while the dying brownish gray expands?”

It’s sparkle wanes in the looming inevitable

Looking to its elders it inquires with hope…

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high…

Twinkle, twinkle little human

How I wonder what you are

Down upon the dying earth…

~ Flying Free FEC

AI Free ~ Time….

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition I decided a daily image shall accompany the piece, taken that same morning – unedited, simple and pure.


AI Free

The posts you read here are AI Free, unadulterated, raw, authentic and vulnerable. I challenged myself to write a free verse first thing every morning before I journal. Letting the words flow without edit or critique. In addition I decided a daily image shall accompany the piece, taken that same morning – unedited, simple and pure.

~ Flying Free FEC


Odyssey, Quest, Sojourn, Pilgrimage, Journey, Exploration, Adventure, Wanderlust…

When you read those words, what comes to mind? What do you feel? Do they stir any hidden desires? Are they words only for others? Do they pique your curiosity and passion?

Some of the words are rarely spoken any more, yet they are the fabric of our existence. Without the desire to explore, journey, quest, and…, life would become stagnate. It seems that often people see these words as action oriented, such as someone who goes on a quest to explore some unknown place. What I love about these words is that they can be experienced from anywhere, at anytime, if we choose.

  • I can sit quietly looking out my window with a curious mind and adventure with the squirrel who is busily dancing on the tree.
  • I can take a walk with my eyes and heart open to the journey, noticing with admiration the flowers I pass, the homes full of people with their own interesting stories, the busy insects on the sidewalk, the birds who easily move from branch to branch – how does it all interact, who are the people behind the closed door, what is the connection we all share???
  • I can read a book that encourages me to sojourn within, journey into my memories, hopes and dreams. Like a buried treasure I uncover aspects of the self and the world around me.
  • I can take a trip to a new place, where all moments are about exploration, wandering in the midst of newness, a pilgrim on an adventure to learn and experience.
  • I can write, paint, dance, create.., all doorways into an odyssey with my muse.
  • Sitting quietly with my journal, the inner quest to understand my deeper self guides me down untrodden paths.
  • I can meet someone new to whom I wish to learn more about, in our time together I get to pilgrimage through another’s life experience, hearing, seeing, open to different perspectives and possibilities.
  • Wanderlust, can be satiated through learning something new, like a language, recipe, new hiking trail, etc…. Or maybe you appeal its call through changing jobs, moving to a new home, reading a new genre book… Or if you are like me, you embrace your wanderlust through a variety of tactics depending on your present life situation.

Personally I love that my wanderlust, curious desire to explore and adventure has never died. I am grateful that my soul exposed me to the truth that one can follow these callings through a myriad of ways.

I write this at a time when I sit on the precipice of a new odyssey. I am prepping my wings for flight, where, when, how…, well that is still formulating. Since life is a glorious journey, not a destination, much of the fun is letting anticipation build, allowing mysterious expectancy to percolate, and then Ta-Da the call to take inspired action takes over. I’ll keep you posted, for much is brewing…..

My wish for you is that your childlike curiosity leads you on adventures, calls you to new quests and opens your heart, soul and mind to the joys of exploration….


I Am Enough…, I Am Worthy…, I Am Perfect….

I will never forget the day I asked all my junior high students the question, “Who wrote the definition for perfect?” They looked at me with furrowed brow or comical smiles, for they were used to my zany questions. Of course no one had an answer to this strange inquiry. According to Wikipedia, the word perfection goes back to Aristotle –

The oldest definition of “perfection”, fairly precise and distinguishing the shades of the concept, goes back to Aristotle. In Book Delta of the Metaphysics, he distinguishes three meanings of the term, or rather three shades of one meaning, but in any case three different concepts.

That is perfect:

1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts

2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better

3. which has attained its purpose.

Following this introductory question I continued with “When did you decide to play along with this definition, using it to judge yourself and others?” Oh boy.., this sparked conversation and exploration. We dug into the power of the media, society, culture and how we allow ourselves to be sucked into the world of “perfection” as advertised.

Following this intensely beautiful conversation I shared a couple of videos which jolted us even more…

As a teacher who is also a mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, etc.., I shared my own raw authentic ownership for the times I played along, got sucked in and passed on my own “image issues.” As a class we delved into the feelings stirred by the videos, my admittance and their own vulnerable sharing. Finding ourselves empowered with the newfound knowledge that everyone struggles at times with this societally and culturally driven game. This is not a gender or age specific issue. It infiltrates from all directions towards all populations.

As I shared yesterday I just returned from a trip that took me to Turkey for a couple of weeks. It was wonderful to enjoy the beauty of another culture, observing as best I could the nuances with image. Of course to really understand, one would have to stay and really submerge within the local society to get a feel for how they judge, label and categorize.

I reflect upon my growing up years before cell phones, selfies and social media, whew, I had it easy! However, I felt the labels, the judgments and the harmful internal self criticism that flowed when I accepted what was portrayed as “perfect.” I hurt for those that received the harmful teasing by peers who were cruel with their words and actions. Everyone seemed to accept the latest “in” look or “perfection” label. While I struggled at times with this marketing/media driven bombardment, I would eventually swing the pendulum back to honor my Wild Woman.

I chuckle at how easily we stray into the next “in phase”, tweezing or bolstering the eyebrows, high waisted or low waisted pants, high heels or no heels, curly or straight hair, makeup??? Oh my!! What would happen to all the clothing, makeup and lifestyle companies if we stopped playing along? That question is definitely for another blog entry!

To sit with oneself bathed in self love is to vibrational connect with all the forgotten passions, desires, dreams…

As I reach out into the world for other Wild Women, I feel again the powerful energy of those hundred students (male and female) who opened their souls to a room full of peers. An experience that gave us all the opportunity to feel and see through diverse lenses. For some they became aware and empowered for the first time with the clarity that everyone journeys in their own personal way through the haze of society’s dictated “perfection.”

Ever since I stuck up for a classmate in fifth grade (many moons ago) it has been a dream of mine for all people to feel from within how absolutely spectacular they are. Releasing the chains of self-criticism based on a contrived definition of “Perfect,” “Enough,” and “Worthy.” Of course as a woman I have a soft spot and knowing for the female journey, however, my male clients shared the sad truth that we all can fall prey to such torment.

As a woman who has worn all the hats, I know how we put ourselves last!

  • I will take that class when the kids are not so busy.
  • I don’t have the money to do that now, the kids need this, the house, the family…
  • Someday I will read that book, join that club, get regular massages, etc…
  • It would be selfish to spend such time on myself.
  • I really want to connect with other amazing women, but my family needs me, my job, the to-do list.

One of the most powerful things I have learned along the way is that when we do not take care of ourselves and fill up our own cups, there is nothing left to give or share with others. Upon becoming a mother I lost this balance for awhile, until one day I realized that my children learned a lot through watching the people around them – “What was I role modeling to my son and daughter?” Is that how I wanted them to care for themselves, see themselves, value themselves??? This was and is a huge driving force for me. “Do as I say, not as I do,” is not how I wish to role model or engage with this amazing life.

To awaken our Wild Woman – Wild Man is to come home to our inner stirrings, our truth, our vibrant, passionate desires with how we wish to experience and BE in the world around us. This is a very individualistic personal journey. I can’t imagine living this miraculous life any other way!! Here is to YOU in all your magnanomous Wild BEingness!

If you are interested in living a life of BEing – Coming home to a Life of Choice, check out

The BEingness School


I Am A Wild Woman

I am not your conquest,

I am your desire.

I am not your need,

I am your truth.

I am not separate from you,

I am you.

I am not a tamed lion,

I am a wild woman.

I am not yours to possess,

I am here to open love.

Only when you stop thinking, will you see me.

Only when you let go, will you feel me.

Only when you listen, will you hear my beckoning desires.

Do not come to me with your need and want contrived by society.

Do not come to me wishing to penetrate in self disguise.

Do not come to me wishing to possess or play games.

I am like the air, I cannot be contained, held or captured…

However, I will gladly stay, I will blossom beyond your wildest dreams if you…

…touch me as though you are blind.

…taste me as though you have no thirst.

…listen as though you are deaf.

For as you unify with the mysterious wild woman, all falls away to expose the truth….

I am here….

Where are you…?

~ Fawn Caveney 7/21
Freedom stirs from within, it swirls and twirls, unleashing the ever present wild child…

I recently returned from a trip that expanded my present transformational journey, for when one sets upon a quest with an open heart, soul and mind, the swirling encounters awaken vast insights.

As a foreigner in a distant country I was titillated by the power of being anonymous, lost in a sea of chaos that I did not need to understand. I was free to be me. Wandering the streets, beaches, historical sites, and delectable restaurants I allowed myself to feel, taste, explore and be seen. Vulnerable yet unafraid, adrift with no expectation, attachment or preconceived desire, I was a wild woman dancing in curiosity and flowing openness.

Upon arriving back on the shores of my homeland, I found myself surprised by what percolated forth from the experience. A reoccurring awareness, an old friend, a circling back to my youthful knowing. As a woman growing up one is silently taught to behave a certain way, only want specific things, and definitely do not express yourself as a “wild woman.”

In a patriarchal world I was taught to hide my sensuality, present my authenticity in respectable ways and squelch my wild untamed nature. I have never been good at this. More to the point, I do not wish to be good at it. Thankfully I grew up surrounded by nature, held and nurtured by the true wild and free. This planted in me a knowing, one that has thankfully nudged me in moments when I have forgotten the true power of my feminine energy.

To sit upon the earth connects the breath to that which is, freeing the soul to dance upon the wind…

During my adventure abroad I was approached by various men. My immediate reaction was caution with a twinge of skepticism. However, as my wise female traveling friend can tell you, I ooze with positivity and openness, so…. I allowed the court-ish play and absorbed the attention. Meandering down the streets of their outspoken desires, I knew I was at choice. As I present this I can feel the paradoxical reactions, they race in like flies to rotten meat. I danced along the tight rope of my own desire to be seen and wanted, while staying vigilant to the wise woman’s voice from within.

I reflect back with a smile, grateful to have met unique masculine souls along the way. They were juxtaposed into the trips original purpose, “Soul Sisters” coming together for a female vacation of play. Ahhhh, I love the intensity of life’s perfect timing and coquettish frolic. The dynamic women I was gifted to explore with came in diverse ages, backgrounds and life experiences. Intensifying this profound mixture of masculine/feminine energy was the most powerful source of all – nature.

Feeling my body glide into the Mediterranean and silky reed filled lake, called forth that Wild Woman. Listening to the cacophony of cicadas, who’s mating song was held in the moist sultry air only heightened the awareness. Sublime ecstasy. Gentle breezes and delicious wind bursts, generated their own wistfulness. I found myself completely swept off my feet. Innocently graced to live each moment in complete presence, no yesterday, no tomorrow, just the vibrancy of now.

As I massaged the intricate aspects together I marveled at the voluptuous experience. Once again I was reminded of the profound Wild Woman Soul. I wish for every woman to tap into this instinctual infinite source; to invite, welcome and rebirth into her true feminine power.

What does this mean? It means you get to live vibrantly alive, sharing and expressing your authentic self. It means you get to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ without apology. It means you get to unabashedly express your desires and passions. It means you get to blossom and reveal as you feel called, free of all expectation, attachment, judgment and labels. It means you dance wild and free….

Over and over again in my life I have found myself saddened by the loss of the Wild Woman. I see it and feel it in the eyes of the women I meet, yet, they hold it back, they force it to stay confined in the cages built by a society intimidated by its powerful force.

Within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, & ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species.

— Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Author of Women Who Run With the Wolves

My second night back in the states, I was jolted awake by my muse, who shared very clearly what is to come next for me. I chuckle, for again, I pick up the torch, called by my soul to invite women to join me in Awakening their Wild Woman. In the past I have had the privilege and honor to work with women in various circles, helping them to remember how magnanomous they truly are. My recent life choices and exploratory adventures bring me back home to my calling and purpose – I am here to hold up a mirror, so you may see the Wild Woman that awaits your permission to fly free.

Wild women do

And they don’t regret it

Wild women show

What they’re goin’ through

Wild women do

What you think they’ll never

What you only dream about

Wild women do.

Natalie Cole, Wild Women Do lyrics

If you are ready to say YES to your Wild Woman join me at The BEingness School