
Today I come to the page in innocent nakedness, exploring the dream state of my night and courageously choosing to put forth that which gurgles up without critic or editor.

All my life I have experienced “strange dreaming”, when I ask others if they get this type of dream, they say NO with furrowed brow and questioning eyes. I receive word(s), verses, lyrics, poems or cut out figures in construction paper, all in simplistic static images with no movie reel. Some examples of these dreams are:

  • Song lyrics I don’t remember listening to.
  • Single words written in white chalk on a blackboard.
  • Repeating bible verses even though I have never read the bible.
  • Construction paper figures ripped into form that move simplistically across a white background.
  • Poems chanting on repeat until I wake.

I do not get these types of dreams often, however when I do, I pay attention.

“I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.” ~Socrates

In late December 2018 I was visited by a dream that has now revisited me two more times, so it must be important. It has become a mantra in my waking mind, impacting my daily thoughts and choices. I woke to the repetition of William Shakespeare’s famous soliloquy by Hamlet, “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” I cannot tell you how many years it has been since I was gifted to watch or read the play “Hamlet”, likely it was when my son who is now twenty was cast as King Claudius in elementary school.

In the speech Hamlet is exploring living or dying, choosing life or death. “To be, or not to be…” It is a very powerful speech – Shakespeare Soliloquy.

As I woke to the repeating lines, my groggy brain searched for why? I did feel it strike a chord in me as I looked to the approaching New Year. Every day, every moment is an opportunity “To be, or not to be.” For me it poked powerfully at my desires to BE true to my passions, dreams and purpose. To BE open to the grace and miracles of everyday. To BE present with myself and others. To BE a safe place for those seeking to BE authentic. Choosing to BE, a pure and simple state. A state void of judgment, comparison, questioning, criticism, expectation, perceived “wrong, right, good, bad…”. BEING…

“We live in times of high stress. Messages that are simple, messages that are inspiring, messages that are life-affirming, are a welcome break from our real lives.” ~Simon Sinek

I explored the speech intensely and intimately upon waking that early morning in December. I then placed it in my memory bank alongside all the other dreams that have played in my night stage. However, like a ghost, it has returned two nights in a row to haunt my sleep. The night before last it wove itself with the teaching to “TO BE” true to my dreams, to not give up, to keep stepping with faith. Last night it elected to be a different thread in the tapestry of “TO BE”, this time it spoke to me of love. The pure BEINGNESS of love, its constant presence and flow. As I wiped my tired eyes at 3:00am, my mind shot from Shakespeare’s soliloquy to a poem I had spontaneously written in December, (PDF 12-24-2018 Love as word…) exploring why we have attachments and expectations wrapped around love, for in truth love has NONE


“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ~Confucius

I chuckle at the wisdom of unexpected messages. Grateful for their nudge and teachings. This repetitive “To Be” mantra connects powerfully with my present life, for I have been working on a project “The Beingness Project”, which you shall soon be privy. It is my hope that you will join me for the journey into “Being,” coming home to the simple truth that you have always been ENOUGH, that being HAPPY and CONTENT is a moment to moment choice and that LOVE is ever present.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question…”