Dig into your memories…

I am curious, do you allow yourself the quiet reflection time to mosey within the recesses of your thoughts, memories and life snapshots?

Do you take the opportunity to truly notice what makes you smile? What expands your heart with the warm sensation of love?

Our memories offer us a deeper understanding of what makes us happy. What brings us joy and ignites a passion for life. We can use our memories to co-create more in life, choosing with intention to expand and do that which makes us happy, fills us with love, peace and true contentment.

As I allow myself to connect the dots of what lights me up, I discover a continuity over the fifty plus years I have journeyed:

  • Quality time with people I enjoy and love.
  • Being enveloped in nature.
  • Putting words to the page.
  • Sitting near a crackling fire on a crisp day/night.
  • Feeling my body come alive when it works out, goes for a walk, magnificently functions as a healthy unit.
  • Preparing healthy luscious meals for myself and others.
  • Learning and expanding in the areas I find interesting and have curiosity about.
  • Listening to music and feeling the emotions it stirs.
  • Enjoying the warmth of a gentle touch or reaching out to touch another.
  • The pure eloquent perfection of the rising or setting sun, bright light of the moon and stars, gentle breeze, harsh wind…
  • Etc…

The deep truth I find is that if I peel back the layers and feel into life, I discover that I find the greatest joy in the simple pure things. The genuineness of true connection, the pureness of nature, the sincerity of presence and being.

At this time in my life I am hugging in gratitude the amazing gifts of my past. This includes the challenges, for they give life texture, growth, expansion and becoming. I have been blessed to experience immense diversity in my professional and personal life, a very colorful tapestry that makes me smile. While I gratefully embrace my past, I excitedly glance into the future, what comes next, how will life unfold, what shall become.

Isn’t life truthfully always at this crossroad?

We assume that we have many tomorrows, yet we do not know. We take for granted that things will stay the same, yet, change is always a given. We are a funny creature, for we fear change, while begging for it.

In truth, we stand always in the dynamic paradox of what was, is and shall be. A fine dance that is stamped by unexpected percussion within the symphony of life

When I feel back into my life there is a reoccurring joyous sensation about getting into the zone of allowing words to flow upon a page. To experience a connection that is not my brain thinking about what I should write, instead it is a glorious flow that seems to bubble up from some unknown space. I suppose some people take drugs to feel such a high, for me it is a delicious vibration of oneness, a twilight zone where the world stops and only the fluidity of words exist. The other night I was blessed to dip into such a zone. Below is what flowed forth, may it stir within in you a curiosity to question.


When will we understand the message of time eternal? The infinite wisdom of all civilizations, populations, people and souls?

Our most intimate desires and passions all lead back to the same for every being…

We ache to love and be loved, to truly see another and to vulnerably be seen; all blemishes and raw expressions in full view.

We crave belonging, embodied in a community who journeys our ups and downs, picking us up and letting us fall as we learn to fly.

To feel vibrant, alive, dynamic and of service – needed and wanted by others.

To feel healthy and happy, a reflection of how we honor ourselves and others.

If all “things and stuff” were washed away by the seas of time and we stood naked and exposed, what memories would pick us up? Keep us going? Beckon us forth? It would be the real moments of connected love, the shared joy with others, the sense of belonging.

Power leaves us holding nothing but empty resources which wash and burn away…

Money can buy everything but the sincere heart of others. It does not fill the soul with memories, or keep us warm in the envelope of belonging.

Stuff only makes us smile when it connects us with others, with those we love and cherish. The perfect shoe will not find the prince. The eloquent jewels will not make the heart dance. The stunning outfit will only remind one of the emptiness within.

Power, money, resources, all enrich, make more, co-create and expand when shared with genuine love, grace and respect.

They enrich the joys and pleasures shared with others. They can help to ease the injury and harm of life’s bumpy path. They are not bad or evil, merely unemotional objects that can serve or strangle.

Will the human ever truly understand? Will we ever put down our flags to see there are no differences? Can we stop claiming, blaming and destroying, to discover that the world spins more fully when there are no barriers or walls.

If we do not learn, we shall again be a lost civilization:

An Egyptian pyramid

An Aztec empire

An empty cave dwelling

A Roman colosseum

A Greek parthenon

An Indigenous burial ground

Our ashes, no matter our color, gender, religion, or heritage, still blow in the wind when we die…

Our bones, skin and muscle become fertilizer as we break down in the earth – no superiority or class distinction spares the decomposing…

Our belongings collect dust, break down and lose all value…

Our homes sit vacant and empty, a hollow encasement of what was once a place to congregate…

We think ourselves wise and better than those before, yet, here we are again repeating the pattern of time eternal…

I come back to the opening discussion, can you sit with your life experience and memories to discover and choose the things in life that bring you joy, ignite passion and awaken your vibrancy to life?

The view in the rearview mirror can be used to uncover and light up the path before you. You are at choice, hit repeat over and over again, it will give you what you already know OR look back to dance forward with intention.

My challenge this week for you –

  1. Make a simple list of the things that bring you joy.
  2. Pick at least three of those things to DO MORE of.
  3. Decide how you will bring more of the things you enjoy into your daily life.
  4. Focus on what brings you joy, for what you focus upon becomes more.
  5. Forgive yourself and let go of any thing you are regretting and holding on to.
  6. This moment is a new moment – BE in it!

Until next week, enjoy your “Walking Naked Truth”...

What is Your Truth…?

I quietly breathe in the sunset, yellow, red and orange hues kiss the clouds. They dance in sweet surrender upon the reflected ripples of the pond. Ducks scatter the image as they freely sculpt their own masterpiece. I sit in silent reverie, remembering why I started this blog. Why I love to flow upon the page, why I passionately dream for all beings a life of joy, peace, love and contentment in all moments.

Nature expresses with such purity and truth…

Today on my walk I marveled at how nature cycles. This time of year in Idaho, the cold seeps into the earth, it squelches the flow of sap in the trees and slows the water to an ebony molasses. The naked trees acquiesce to the white blanket of snow crystals. Yet, beneath all this layered quiet, I can feel the vibrancy of life, the rich smells of growth waiting for the warm sunshine of longer days. Humans like nature, have much that circulates below the surface. Hidden deep within lies the truth, the dreams, the passions and desires; all of it waiting to blossom, to expose, to share.

The layers of silence echo with stories only the quiet ones can hear….

“Walking Naked Truth”, what a bizarre title for a blog, right?!? Yet, I still love it after all these years, for it describes what I passionately wish for all people – To BE their true self from within. I describe the title more intimately in my “About” page –

Walking = In choosing to step forward, we keep our momentum in the present moment. Electing to be open to the possibilities and aware of that which we consciously choose.

Naked = Standing exposed, open, and completely present. Free of walls, attachments, expectations, secrets, or shame. Choosing to be vulnerable, with an open heart and soul. 

Truth = An inner knowing. A solid quiet space which resides within all. It vibrates with a sensation to share, and express in sincere, humble, integrity. Free of outside attachments, perceptions, expectations and judgments, it just is….

It is my personal belief that BEing our Naked Truth frees us to walk forth in life with passion, joy, and peace; open to the wonders of the world and each other. It un-encumbers us from staying stuck in victim, blame and shame. Embracing the truth propels us forward, walking towards a life of CHOICE.”

Everyday I marvel at how people struggle to BE their truth; to share what is really going on inside. Why? What are they afraid of? When did we forget how to share? A child does it quite easily, until they are told not to. A toddler freely expresses themselves, with no fear. As the years go by, the walls go up and the truth gets shut up inside. I experience that for many, they do not even know how to hear their personal truth anymore. It has become what they are told. It is what society, culture, friends and family say it should be. Squished into the innermost cavity of the body, it pulses with eager desire to freely express. To open up with exuberant passion, to unleash famished desires.

  • What if in this new decade you gave yourself permission to live life full on?
  • How much fun might you experience?
  • Can you imagine the freedom you could feel?
  • How might your relationships deepen?
  • What dreams could you bring to life?

Let’s play together! Let’s open up and share our individual truth, hopes, dreams and desires. Let’s dance with joyful abandon, sing with bravado, play with wild curiosity….

  • It starts with being quiet enough to hear and feel the truth which pulses within you.
  • In the quiet, start by asking yourself, “What do I feel in this moment?”
  • Then think briefly about something you are grateful for, notice what you feel in the new moment enriched by gratitude.
  • Play with a sad thought, an angry thought, an exciting thought, etc… Allow yourself to become familiar with how your body feels in each emotional experience. How your energy shifts. What your mind says and does. It is all about noticing and becoming aware.
  • Gift yourself with 10 minutes a day, allowing your mind, heart and soul to wander, to daydream and play – no agenda.
  • At first this may feel awkward, however as you continue to create time for it, you will begin to truly hear your own heart’s desire. Then you can build up the muscle to share with others.
  • Gradually increase the time, for in this open free flow, amazing ideas will spring forth. Inner connections with the true self will deepen and enrich.
What might you discover by awakening to your true self…?

Attached is a worksheet (click on image below to download) for you to use as you like. It will give you the space to really notice how you physically (body), mentally (mind) and emotionally (spirit) react. Becoming aware of your unique internal and external reactions, empowers you to begin to really hear and understand your inner truth. From this space, you get to joyously choose how you want to feel and be.

I am excited for all that we shall journey and share in 2020!!

May it be the start to you embracing and sharing with the world YOUR NAKED TRUTH…

Join me for more fun at The Beingness Project