Living A Spirited Coexistence…

If you have been following along with authentic journey of Rita, Ken, Francine and Doug, click HERE to continue or start this adventure.

Stepping into the unknown can feel exciting or fearful, which do you choose..? And who taught you to feel this way..?

Over the years I have gradually learned how to hear and feel my spirit or muse as I sometimes refer. Occasionally I do not understand how the image or feeling I experience can possibly come into manifested form. However, I let go with joyful trust, allowing the how, when or where, to present itself. Every time I genuinely let my spirit guide me, miraculous things happen and become.

A Journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu

When I was child my spirit walked with me, hearing me while I roamed the woods, played in trees, observed the flowing river and danced in meadows. Never did I feel alone, instead I felt true to myself, at one with the world around me. At times I would joyously talk out loud to my musing friend, sharing dreams, desired adventures and asking for guidance. Often I would burst with elation, singing at the top of my human lungs to the universe with pure glee. As I held the hand of my internal spirit the world flowed, like a gentle river, an infinite stream…

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.

Anthony Robbins

As I “grew up” in the world of humans this intrinsic core of my BEing was pushed to the side. I was encouraged to ignore its presence, to shut off the joyful rudder that sang to me of life’s grand journey. I heard from all around me to “be smart,” “don’t be silly,” “you must be rational.” As I accepted this, I began to experience for the first time what loneliness truly felt like. At times this taught way of being shut down my airway, choking the very essence of my wild authentic self to death.

I kept trying to find a way to breathe while conforming to the world around me. I knew everyone was trying to help me. Family, friends, teachers, mentors, they were all doing their best, guiding me towards “success” and a happy life. Yet, the more I entrenched myself into the world of “do, conquer, force, stay on the path of others,” the more I died inside.

As the years passed by, I was coached to compare, judge and measure myself against others, graphs of success, dollars in the bank, possessions in hand and to fear that which I did not know. The more I poured myself into this contrived world, the more intensely I felt lost. I had begun to believe that I was not enough, not worthy and far from perfect.

When did you allow others to fill your crystal ball..? When did you suffocate and extinguish your spirited dreams and passions..?

My lifeline was nature. Here I could breathe. Amongst the trees I felt understood, known. The gentle flow of a river soothed and washed away the debris of society’s discontent. The gentle breeze or violent storm awakened the wild child in me, stirring her very essence into impassioned joyful faith. Screaming into the lightening and thunder, dancing naked in a torrential downpour, natures cleansing always called me home. Her earthly pulse, my beating soul and the universal cosmic orchestra, reminded me I was already enough, I was worthy of anything I could dream and that perfection lay in the arms of individual interpretation.

Thankfully the gag I had put around my spirited muse choked me into sputtering awareness. Tearing it off, my lungs filled to capacity for the first time in years. With the inhale I once again remembered the infinite joy, curious wonder, expansive love and peaceful contentment. Daily I build up this deep breathing muscle, chipping away at the facade and mask I had put on to fit in and please the humans around me.

Today I blissfully coexist with my spirit, my muse, my inner BEing. I let her stir the crockpot of life, intoxicating it with elixirs beyond my mere human imagining. Gracing my moments to be experienced as complete unto themself. Everything aligns and flows with perfection, imbuing my time space reality with joy, love, peace and the glorious sensation of anticipation. I know that life is working out, that as I nurture my spirit, it sprouts grand adventures, life lessons, expansive opportunities and infinite explorations.

What does this mean in common language –

  • It means I don’t always DO what I am “supposed to do”.
  • It means that I literally follow the joy or bliss as Joseph Campbell phrased it.
  • It means I allow myself to just BE, sinking into the quiet, expansive space to listen, feel and allow.
  • It means I awakened my childhood faith that ANYTHING is POSSIBLE if I believe.
  • It means that I get to consciously choose to only be around people who joyously “fill up my cup” not “drain it.”
  • I give myself permission to play everyday with my spirited muse, to imagine, to feel, to embody all that I dream as though it already is.
  • I enthusiastically let go, surrender with absolute trust, allowing my inner spirit to guide my life, to share the how, when and where…
  • I ardently fuel the flames of my desires and dreams, stepping forth on the life journey with inspired action.
  • I choose what I will hear from others, the well meaning naysayers get appreciated without accepting their way as mine.
  • I am free to choose in ALL my moments how I will feel and react.
Freedom does not come attached to a flag, government or institution. It lies within, always there, it breathes, it pulses, it vibrates eternally…

Life is a glorious journey! I can share with genuine experience that this human life is magnanimous beyond words when we step forth connected to our inner self/spirit/source – coexisting and co-creating. I just need ten more lifetimes to live and share all the amazing dreams, desires and passions that zoom around my joyful BEing…

I ask you –

  • What fills you with joy when you think about it?
  • What dreams and desires did you put on the shelf and forget?
  • If you were lying on your death bed, what un-lived dreams would stand around your bed, the ghosts of personal regrets?
  • How old were you when you stopped believing you could do or be anything?
  • When did you start comparing yourself to everyone else?
  • Are you truly happy? If not, why??? And if you had that, did that, would you now be happy? Or???

If you have been following along with a magazine that reminds you how amazing you are, then click HERE to read more or read it all…

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