Unexpected News Generates Creativity and Adaptation…

The Beingness Project – Your Personal Journey Home – A novel invitation to remember who YOU are… Click on the title above to continue the journey with Rita, explore with her as she remembers what brings her joy. Meet Francine who begins to question what happiness truly is….

Take a peek at Today’s Raw Musings

The tide of life rolls in and out consistently, it never does so the same as yesterday or as it will tomorrow. Humanity mimics such grand diversity, expressing and unfolding ever on…

Yesterday I received some unexpected news that has stirred all kinds of emotions. First, I experienced the fear jolt when life presents something that means you must make a change. Then, after a few deep breaths of acceptance, I rolled into gratitude and faith. Life is inviting me into what comes next. Is the timing ideal, No. Do I know where I will go, No. Have I figured out how I shall make this move, No.

In quiet surrender we get to explore the unfolding of life’s adventure, our soul’s invitation into what comes next…

What I do know –

  • I am healthy, willing, creative and believe that life always works out.
  • My children are safe, well and joyfully on their path.
  • I have amazing friends and family.
  • I have experienced throughout life that things happen for a reason and sometimes we just get to be patient with trust.
  • I have joyously been simplifying my life and belongings for years now, so it is easier to adapt to life’s unexpected.
  • Life moves along with or without us, so I can choose to delight in the unknown or live in fear and worry. The latter is not fun or fulfilling.
  • I am a happy, strong soul that chooses to see life as a grand adventure, so this is an opportunity, an introduction into what comes next…

Now please know, I have my moments when I do feel the concern surface. When it does I notice it, accept it and then think about the real truth – I am okay and everything always works out.

So, what is this unexpected news? In a quick nutshell I must find a new place to live in 11 days. I sadly must leave the miraculous home I have been blessed to reside in for over four years. This space has been a gift beyond any words I can begin to express upon the page. I am truly excited that one of the owning family members is returning home. It will be very sweet for this beautiful home to wrap its arms around original family members again. My heart is joyous and overflowing with gratitude.

Personally as I continue to write, create and work towards a passionate life in full expression of my life calling, I move towards financial freedom one day at a time. It is definitely a work in progress, thus, I get to be creative with what I have and don’t presently have.

I joked with both my children that I am happy to live in a tent, my car, a simple hobbit hut, for all I wish to do is write. Period. All I dream of doing is putting word to page, weaving stories for others to feel and experience. Now that my children are off on their own exploratory adventures, I find myself in such a glorious new phase of life. I have always been a quiet soul who enjoys the simple grace that flows. For years now I have craved to live in a small cabin where I quietly write and soak in natures balm. Or, if in the city a delightful small studio space with many windows where I watch and observe life, gathering even more inspiration for the words that flow.

This unexpected news is good news. I can feel it. Within my heart and soul I can feel that it is time for me to move into what comes next. I do not know what, where or how. I choose to surrender with love, gratitude and inner knowing that the perfect answer is aligning itself.

Life as I presently know it is about to shift. In less than two weeks I shall find myself adapting to what is next. I smile at this thought, for it is a mystery in process of writing itself. I enjoy my precious last days in this glorious sanctuary, reflecting on the memories and gracious gifts bestowed upon my heart and soul during my time here.

I ask you with curiosity –
  • When did life throw you a curve ball that led to amazing new experiences?
  • When you look at your life, how often have you been surprised by how it plays out?
  • Do you choose to see change as a scary unknown or a curious adventure?

Carpe Diem!! Ready or not, here I come…

There are more stars than I can count, there are more paths to explore than I can in one lifetime ~ they all twinkle, invite, teach, imprinting themselves upon my very soul…
Click on the image below to read the in process novel – new excerpts are shared Monday, Wednesday and Friday at The Beingness Project.

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