Time for Intergenerational & Multigenerational Action…

Start or continue the Fictional Awakening with us – Your Soul’s Invitation (click on link for novel)

We are never too young nor too old to explore, learn, expand, grow and awaken new passions…

Something that has bothered me for years now is the out dated and expired cultural and societal life span timeline – Born, toddler years, school years (12-13 years), graduate high school, attend college, career, family, home, retire…blah, blah, blah. My brother and I were having a conversation years ago, he asked me, “What about your retirement?” My response, “What do I retire from? Life?”

I’m not “Old”, I’m just Beginning… I literally get giddy inside when I think (daydream) about all the things I am excited to explore, co-create, experience and embark on.

When and why do we say yes to a contrived timeline, created to control, manipulate and categorize our lives… Really..?

Here I sit looking at my upcoming 56th birthday with great enthusiasm and excitement, for I have no desire to be twenty or thirty again. The forties were great, the fifties are even better!! I absolutely LOVE having all the life experiences thus far that fuel my passion and curiosity for what comes next. As I told my son Friday night when we shared dinner, “I just need thirty to fifty more years to live and experience all the things I dream of…” Both of my children have laughed at me over the years, for I am always brewing up some new idea, or scheming about an adventure, or… I remember my daughter once saying, “Mom, you’ll be 86 and still going to college.” My response, “Maybe, wouldn’t that be fun.”

The only thing that limits our life experience is US. As a living and breathing human, you are truly the only thing standing in the way of what you want. Oh believe me, I know and have heard the complete litany of excuses one can use to limit the pure potential of what is possible. As a daughter, sibling, mother, teacher, author, coach and healer I’ve heard the gammit! Thankfully my childlike faith that “Anything is Possible” continues to rev my engine and ignite my passions!

In 2018 I happened upon a book that sang to my feelings about aging in our society, especially in the work place, Wisdom @ Work by Chip Conley (check out the Modern Elder Academy). As one who has been the boss of those older and younger as well as being the employee for those younger and older I have sincerely experienced the intergenerational impacts. In addition to the workplace, I have also been blessed to journey the academic world at diverse ages, 18 and up! I love university campuses, I delight in learning, expanding my knowledge and life experiences. Perhaps that is why it took 28 years to finish my bachelors degree, attending four different colleges and compiling over 240 credits in diverse fields. Last year I applied for a Master’s degree, joyously I was accepted and elected to defer for a year, waiting out the COVID impacts. Will I attend this next year, hmmm.., I don’t know, I’m still daydreaming about all my future possibilities – it’s so FUN to explore the diverse horizons!

Recently I read a blog post by Chip Conley that accentuated an idea I’ve had for years – intergenerational campuses. The world is full of these amazing institutions of higher learning, why are we cheating ourselves of the powerful gift offered through diverse demographics. Colleges around the globe sit on a precipice of change, for technology is redesigning the face of learning and working. As I stated above I LOVE campuses, they stir curiosity, imagination and knowledge seeking. Lately I have been asking the awesome elders in my life, “would you go back to school,” thus far the response is unanimous – Yes!!

What if graduation caps filled the air of campuses around the globe from hands of diverse ages???

As I dig further into the global awareness that we live longer, I celebrate those on the front lines who see this as a glorious opportunity. The old paradigm of retirement in our fifties or sixties is outdated and literally gyps us ALL of the two way wisdom flow – Young to Elder – Elder to Young. In my twenties I worked in an international daycare and I worked in a nursing home, I have feet on the ground experience with the incredible truth that everyone has wisdom to offer along the path of life. I personally have no desire to retire! In actuality I find myself immensely excited about my “next life!” And then the “next” and “next”! That’s what makes life a magnificent adventure, the glorious blossoming of what’s next. It’s a dance of passionate vibrancy, celebrating the now moments, while opening to our future hearts desires.

In this last week I have discovered great strides towards our waking up with regard to our “New World” of intergenerational and multigenerational expansion (shall dig into multigenerational in a separate blog post).


  1. relating to, involving, or affecting several generations.


  1. relating to several generations.”multigenerational families”

These two words are so similar, in context to this blog, I see intergenerational as the sharing of information/life experience across generations, often not of familial relationship. While multigenerational has been defined for years as several generations within a family relationship.

Here are some of my recent exciting discoveries –

New Map of Life – Stanford Center on Longevity

The 100 Year Life

The New Frontier of Aging

The Future of Aging: A Guide for Policymakers

The Emergence of Long Life Learning

I often meet and work with an unenthused younger generation. I can’t blame them, for when I look out at the elders role modeling what is ahead, there is a sense of boredom and lack of enthusiasm. It’s almost like they gave up on dreams, passion, zest, curiosity and adventure. Why??? When did we decide there was a cap or timeline on our potential to create and experience more? Did you buy into this bogus system? Have you resigned yourself to “what is” or are you invigorated by “what can be?”

I know for me I’m just Beginning to spread my wings into what comes next! It truly excites me, for I have learned that one adventure opens the doors and windows to so many more – its endless! I just need five or more lifetimes to experience them all 😊❣️ Of course I chuckle at that thought, for new passions will ignite with each exploration, so it is infinitely inviting me into more – Whoo Hoo!! I celebrate with great joy and enthusiasm the pure raw potential of intergenerational expansion. I sure hope you will join me…

One of my latest adventures has been to finally play with writing a fictional novel – Join us here for the continuing saga.

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